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Bliss background


Kiwi Backyard Lager


$18.00 ea
Brewed withMotueka Hops
First releasedOctober 2017

Bliss, a state of complete happiness and harmony. You can find it in the most familiar of things. Sun, freshly cut grass, the smell of a BBQ - in the right combination even the simplest elements can elevate an experience to another level. Brewed with New Zealand malt and Motueka hops, Bliss is fermented cold and stored at subzero temperatures to produce a delicately crisp, clean, easy drinking lager. Simple, familiar things taken to a new level. Drink yourself more Bliss.

Brewed in collaboration with Ben Shewry and the team at Attica - the perfect accompaniment to their backyard BBQ

Artist: Ross Murray