Wabi Sabi Sour background

Wabi Sabi Sour

Sour with Yuzu and Honeydew


$52.00 ea
Brewed withWai-iti, Citra, Yuzu. Honeydew dry hop. hops, Premium Pils, Pale Wheat malt
First releasedAugust 2014
ArtistTim Gibson

The concept of Wabi-Sabi is hard to define. It is natural simplicity - flawed beauty - the way imperfection can make an object more compelling. Sourness produced by lactic bacteria in beer is normally considered a flaw. This beer is naturally soured and its sharp, tart character complemented with Honeydew melon and the juice and rind of fresh Yuzu. Nothing is perfect - but sometimes imperfection can be beautiful.